Also from the Same Region
Pump Street ChocolatePump Street Chocolate is an award winning British chocolate maker in Suffolk, UK. All of their chocolate bars are handcrafted from direct trade beans and natural ingredients. Their bars have won many accolades from the International Chocolate Awards, the Academy of Chocolate and Great Taste. Originally started as a bakery, producing high quality breads and pastries Pump Street decided to take a turn and tackle bean to bar chocolate.

Cacao Estate
Bachelor's HallThe aptly-named Bachelor’s Hall Estate, owned and operated by Desmond Jadusingh, is located in southeastern Jamaica. Jadusingh took over the land that was once his grandfather's farm in 2002, quickly realizing that it was one of the most productive cocoa farms on the island. But after a few years of one natural disaster after another, he was strapped for cash and so did some research of his own, eventually leading to the overhaul of Jamaica’s fine flavor cocoa sector. These days, Bachelor’s Hall is one of the most famous cocoas in Jamaica, all with absolutely no use of fertilizer or chemicals of any kind.